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Escavar uma nuvem

Salgadeiras Arte Contemporânea

«Escavar uma nuvem» is the title of the most recent exhibition of Rui Horta Pereira which opened on March 22 and can be seen until June 1, from Wednesday to Saturday, from 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

Developed in a specific context, this exhibition suggests a journey through the Arrábida Natural Park, rescuing traces, and documenting the action of Nature over the years. First as a witness, then as a protagonist of the process, Rui Horta Pereira collects the material, and alters its references, giving it an aesthetic and artistic character. […] To the impossibility and absurdity of the title, in «Excavating a cloud», the strategy of exploiting natural resources is congregated, where chance, in constant play with time, challenges the artist about the result and the meaning of the creative process, also perhaps ephemeral and mutable. Finally, paraphrasing Marguerite Yourcenar, when a work of art is finished, “its life begins, in a certain way,” for Time is indeed the “great sculptor”. — Exhibition text: “Another life” by Ana Matos.